This is an unusual film of exceptional values--75 minutes long in color, with hardly any spoken dialogs. I saw this Iranian film in Farsi without English subtitles at the Early Iranian cinema retrospective on-going International Film Festival of Kerala, India. That I was watching a print without subtitles did not make a difference as there were very few lines of spoken dialogs.  This is a very accessible film for any audience to enjoy--its story and values are not merely Iranian, it's universal.  The film is set in rural Iran that had not tasted petro-dollar prosperity. The setting is on fringes of desert land, where water is scarce, rainfall scanty and hardly any blade of grass is green. Add to it wind and dust that buffets and whips man and animal and you can imagine plight of the people who live on the fringes of society.  The film is moving tale of a young teenager returning to his village with a goat--only to find his family and villagers have moved on to escape natures vagaries and that one old man remains. He gives the goat to him and goes in search of his family. Water is scarce and well water it treated with reverence and never wasted.


  1. 1边山 2.0
  2. 2不能没有你 1.0
  3. 3收割 1.0
  4. 4寻侠英雄传之阴阳爪 10.0
  5. 5燃烧女子的肖像 7.0
  6. 6托斯卡纳婚礼 3.0
  7. 7私人会所 8.0
  8. 8大漠孤侠 5.0
  9. 9云朵上的羊角花 6.0
  10. 10重力小丑 7.0
  11. 11资金源强夺 8.0
  12. 12美国大兵 2.0
  13. 13签约幽会 6.0
  14. 14瓷缘 7.0
  15. 15最佳合伙人 10.0
  16. 16无焰爱火 10.0
  17. 17学徒 9.0
  18. 18一个普通人 4.0
  19. 19温柔女子2017 10.0
  20. 20重返哈彻河口 4.0
  21. 21摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥 7.0
  22. 22佐伊和麦克斯 10.0
  23. 23吴大观 6.0
  24. 24羞辱 2.0
  25. 25华尔街2 7.0
  26. 26英勇赞曲 2.0
  27. 27江湖武士泪 4.0
  28. 28晚安艾普儿 5.0
  29. 29无条件 1.0
  30. 30我是周时青 6.0